Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Questionable "Dr." John Boyd

Lee Stranahan has done an excellent job uncovering what an interesting character the leading voice of Pigford, Dr. john Boyd, really is.

Start with The Shifting Sob Stories of Dr. John Boyd
and The Curious Case of Dr. john Boyd

Here are my Top Thirteen (and growing) John Boyd Mysteries

1. Dr. John Boyd was never a doctor. His degree is from the John Boyd Institute- har.
   Yet he addressed himself as "Dr. John Boyd" to congressional committees and they recognized himas "Dr Boyd" -- See Lee Stranahan's work

2. John Boyd was the National Black Farmers Association-- Initially, he made it up and was the only member. The threat of an organized group made him unwarranted credibility.

3. 387 Days to process a black loan, 30 days to process a white loan. No evidence this is true

4. 125,000 members "in' the continent of Africa

5. How many members in the US? 80,000/ There are only 18,000 black farmers
   How many farmer's names on the scroll?  75,000

6. "The John Boyd Institute" See Lee Stranahan's work

7. The Spitting Incident. What really happened with James Garnett?
  Was it 1986 or 1994. Who was his agent giving him all the loans before 1995?

8. Black Wednesday-- In 2003 he testified it was Black Thursday

9. NBFA is a tax-exempt non-profit. Not sure about that. Is it?

10. The Wachovia shakedown-- John Boyd got $25,000 to start a credit union for black farmers, but did not (as far as I can see) create a credit union. Where did the money go?

12. Did a  hooded man really put a gun in his mouth in the middle of the night? Why open the door?

13. 40 Death Threats? See Lee Stranahan's work

Things to explore:

The John Waddell connection---
NBFA claimed institute or conferences at St. Pauls, Denmark Technical and Paul Quinn college.
All were headed by John Waddell at the time.

Waddell was fired from Denmark for financial improprieties being investigated by law enforcement. The FBI investigated the computers at St. Paul's. Waddell left Paul Quinn after 6 months.

John Waddell at Durban III

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