Sunday, May 19, 2013

x "Driving Ms. Browner"- Racehustlers vs. the EPA 2000

"Driving Miss Daisy Syndrome"

Watch this VIDEO at 0:51

It would be funny. Except this man was taken seriously. He was welcomed to testify on Capitol Hill. Republicans used him as a political prop to demonize Carol Browner who was driven almost to tears.

Jim Crow at EPA: Driving Ms. Browner 
November 22, 2000

Over the past eight years, Environmental Protection Agency director Carol Browner has visited Chicago more than a dozen times. Each time she comes to the Windy City, Browner has requested that Ronald Harris, an EPA staffer at the Region 5 headquarters, serve as her driver and gofer. At first, Harris felt honored. But then he began to wonder if he wasn't being singled out for malign reasons. Harris is black.
When confronted by these problems, Carol Browner shrugged as if to say 'What's the big deal?' "I look forward to going to Chicago so that Mr. Harris can drive me," Browner testified at an Oct. 4 hearing before the House Committee on Science, which was investigating charges of whistle-blower abuse inside the federal government. The big deal is that racism appears to be running rampant throughout Browner's agency, and she has done nothing to stem it. 
Here's the thing--- the guy complaining was not just an EPA employee... He was a freakin' chauffeur. That was his job!!!!!!! I'm glad the Government Worker's union thought it was funny. I don't. I feel terrible that Ms. Browner was put through that.

Of course, you know where No Fear and Marsha Coleman-Adebayo stand on this . Jim Crow at the EPA!

Drivin' Miz. Christie
Under the previous Administration, much humor evolved from the story of "Driving Ms. Browner." But in the case of Carol Browner, the chauffeur involved was actually a WG government chauffeur.  NTEU 280 

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